1. 트위터 통계 인포그래픽
Written by Laurens Bianchi on May 10th, 2010 |
We already posted some great Inforgraphics before showing us all the facts you need to know about Facebook, how Mobile is changing Social Media and a great overview posted by Matthijs showing the Five Most Essential Infographics.
Well, we’ve got another one! This one is made by website monitoring and it contains all the facts you need to know about Twitter, such as Twitter history, milestones, user & Tweet statistics, top 10 countries, top 20 users (most followed).
Click on the Infographic for a larger view.
2. 페이스북 통계 인포그래픽
Written by Laurens Bianchi on March 22nd, 2010 |
Today is one of those those days: you check the schedule and see that you need to write a new ViralBlog posting and you have absolutely no idea what to write. It must be springwhich infects my mind too much! So that’s why I’m so thankful to the guys from Website-Monitoring for comprising this great Facebook Fact sheet!
The sheet below contains Facebook history, milestones, user activity statistics, top 10 countries and top 10 Facebook pages.
Check it out below (click on the image for a larger view):
3. 유튜브 통계 인포그래픽
YouTube Facts & Figures (history & statistics)
YouTube history, milestones, video statistics, top 10 channels (most subscribed).
Big thanks to YouTube PR for all the data and the constructive feedback.
JPG version here
If you like this infographic, you might also like Facebook Facts & Figures and Twitter Facts & Figures.