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Internet Media Trend
트위터 API를 이용한 서비스들 본문
- BAROFBIRDS - Now you can use your favorite community site easy by using the new toolbar; “BarOfBirds”
- BIGTWEET - BigTweet installs as a bookmarklet to all major browsers and lets you post to Twitter from any Web page. It can automatically capture the page link (built in URL shortening available), title and any highlighted text. It also lets you include special U
- ITWEET - Browser tool for Twitter! Built-in auto-refresh, search and hashtags, full follow, block, notifications features, view user bio, location, URL inline with tweets, watch conversations with “in reply to” links.
- ITWITTER - The iGoogle iTwitter Tab instantly creates a personal “Twitter Workbench” for maximizing your Twitter productivity directly within iGoogle.
- MATT - Multiple account twitter tweeting. Matt makes it easy to post to multiple Twitter accounts without having to log into each one every time.
- TWEETIZEN - Tweetizen is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter the daily influx of tweets, and easily find the ones that are relevant to you.
- TWEETREE - Tweetree puts your Twitter stream in a tree so you can see the posts people are replying to in context. It also pulls in lots of external content like twitpic photos, youtube videos and more, so that you can see them right in your stream without having
- TWITALKS Follow peoples conversations on twitter.
- TWITBIN - Send and receive messages to all your fellow twitterholics, right from your firefox browser.
- TWITKIT - TwitKit is a Twitter sidebar for Firefox
- TWITTER SEARCH BAR - This script will add a search form and list of hot topics as a banner on
- TWITTERBAR - TwitterBar is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox Web browser (originally written by Tony Farndon) that allows you to post to Twitter from the Firefox address bar. Just type your tweet in the address bar and click the TwitterBar icon to send it to Twit
- TWITTERKEYS - Enhance your Twitter conversations with fun html characters using this awesome tool!
- TWITTYTUNES - TwittyTunes is a FoxyTunes companion Firefox extension – it allows you to post your currently playing songs to Twitter with a click.
- TWUMMIZE - Twitter and Summize (Twitter search) in one window
Browser Tools
- BRIGHTKIT - BrightKit lets you manage your entire Twitter experience from one easy-to-use interface.
- FEEDALIZER - A desktop client that lets you post to your favorite sites including Twitter, FriendFeed, Flickr, and more
- GTWITTER - gTwitter is a Linux client for reading and posting to web service.
- OUTTWIT - Use Twitter directly from Outlook
- POSTY - Desktop app that allows you to browse and post to these four networks: twitter, jaiku, pownce and tumblr.
- SNITTER - a desktop Twitter client for mac and windows
- SOCIALIZED - Socialized allows you to twitter from the comfort of your desktop without having to load any browsers. No more will you have to load twitters website to post your tweets.
- TWADGET - The Twitter Vista Sidebar Gadget
- TWEET MANAGER - Twitter app for complete Twitter automation
- TWEETDECK - TweetDeck is an Adobe Air desktop application that is currently in public beta. It aims to evolve the existing functionality of Twitter by taking an abundance of information i.e twitter feeds, and breaking it down into more manageable bite sized pieces.
- TWEETYBOT - Designed for the Windows Family Of Desktops, TweetyBot keeps you up-to-date with the latest Tweets from your Followers and those you’re Following.
- TWHIRL - twhirl is a desktop client for social software such as Twitter, Friendfeed,, or seesmic
- TWIDGET - Twidget is a free Dashboard Widget for OS X that allows you to update your Twitter status.
- TWITTERKEYS - Enhance your Twitter conversations with fun html characters using this awesome tool!
- TWITTERLIGHTS - Highlight internet snippets & twitter them!
- TWITTERRIFIC - Twitterrific is a fun application that lets you both read and publish posts or “tweets” to the Twitter community website. The application’s user interface is clean, concise and designed to take up a minimum of real estate on your Mac’s desktop.
- YAHOO MESSENGER TWITTER SYNC PLUGIN - Yahoo Messenger Twitter Sync Plugin
Desktop Tools
- FIND2FOLLOW - A minimalistic approach to finding people you may like to follow on Twitter.
- FOLLOWFORMATION - Followformation is a Twitter tool that helps users follow dozens of categorized Twitter users with just one click. Users are able to choose their categories of interest and preview the people in these categories. Users can also create a custom category
- FRIENDORFOLLOW - Submit your Twitter screen name to find out who you’re following that’s not following you back, and who’s following you that you’re not following back.
- GEOCHIRP - GeoChirp is a Twitter and Google maps mashup, that allows one to find Twitter users with similar interests in any particular geography around the world.
- TWITRODUCE - is a unique approach to social networking on Twitter. Users can make suggestions for people to follow publicly, or directly to one of their Twitter friends.
Follow Tools
- HOW TO RETWEET The Beginners Guide to Retweeting
- PRACTICAL 101S: GETTING STARTED WITH TWITTER - The basics and five “how-to” steps to get started on Twitter.
- TWITTER FOR BEGINNERS: 5 STEPS FOR BETTER TWEETING - Five steps for new users to take in order to make the Twitter experience more enjoyable from the beginning.
Help for Beginners
- COMMUTWEET - CommuTweet is a twitter application that lets you post and get tweets about your daily commute such as delays and other critical information.
- CURSEBIRD - Cursebird is a real-time feed of people cursing on Twitter
- DYNSIG - Dynsig is a free tool that lets you create your own Dynamic Signature. Among other functions it is possible to create signatures that always show your latest twitter-status.
- EXPLORE TWITTER! - We needed a place to experiment and help folks get more out of Twitter. Motorola was cool enough to step up and help us launch Explore. If you haven’t yet, try interacting with Twitter through the devices featured below—and watch this space, because eve
- FLIP MY TEXT - Flip Text & More for Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Forums, Emails, IMs
- FUELFROG - Track your gas mileage by letting us know the distance you traveled on your last tank, the price you paid, and how much fuel you added to your car. FuelFrog will compile and trend information about your gas efficiency, the amount you spend, and more! In
- HAPPY TWEETS - A measuring stick for how positive, or happy, a particular Tweep is.
- LASTFM LOVE/TWITTER MASHUP - After siging up, any track that you ‘love’ on lastfm will automatically generate a tweet from you that has the track’s artist and name, as well as a link to it so your followers can give it a listen.
- MATT - Multiple account twitter tweeting. Matt makes it easy to post to multiple Twitter accounts without having to log into each one every time.
- MR. TWEET - Mr. Tweet helps you easily build meaningful relationships on Twitter by looking through your network and tweets.
- POLITWEETS - When Twitter gets political. Follow the latest tweets involving the two candidates and their VP picks.
- QWITTER - Qwitter is a social tool powered by Twitter that helps you quit smoking
- RETWEETRANK - Find any twitterer’s retweetrank!
- SECRETTWEET - Tweet to the twitterverse totally anonymous
- TIPR - Tip calculator for Twitter. Check out how much you have to tip for a certain amount of money using your mobile phone.
- TWANSWERS - twAnswers is a brand new question-answer type community for twitter. it has a feature which tries to guess the answer based on keywords in the question using yahoo and wiki answers.
- TWEETBAR - Tweetbar puts your tweets into email, websites and forum signatures
- TWEETREE - Tweetree puts your Twitter stream in a tree so you can see the posts people are replying to in context. It also pulls in lots of external content like twitpic photos, youtube videos and more, so that you can see them right in your stream without having
- TWEETWASTERS - Find out how much time you waste on Twitter!
- TWICTIONARY - A repository for all sorts of manglings of the English language as used on Twitter.
- TWISTORI - A social experiment based on Twitter. Follow the words love, hate, think, believe, feel, and wish in real-time on Twitter.
- TWITCRUSH - Declare a Twitcrush on someone, see who has declared one on you!
- TWITREE - a Twitter app that visualizes your friends in a recursive tree
- TWITTANGLE - a free service that helps you untangle the mess of having too many friends on twitter
- TWITTER AVATAR COMBAT - You vote on avatars of people you are following. Only people that follow you may vote for you.
- TWITTER BACKGROUNDS GALLERY - Collection of featured Twitter background designs
- TWITTER MOSAIC - Make art from your Twitter followers or Twitter Friends
- TWITTER NONSENSE COMIC - (almost) daily Twitter comic strip by Tony Gigov.
- TWITTERKEYS - Enhance your Twitter conversations with fun html characters using this awesome tool!
- TWITTERLIGHTS - Highlight internet snippets & twitter them!
- TWITTERSNOOZE - Hit the snooze button on your “verbose” Twitter friends.
- TWITTIES - Awards for all things Twitter
- UPSIDE DOWN WRITING - Have you ever wanted to freak people out with some crazy text? Now you can do exactly that by writing your text upside down with our flip text generator!
Just Cool
- GTWITTER - gTwitter is a Linux client for reading and posting to web service.
Linux Tools
- TWIDGET - Twidget is a free Dashboard Widget for OS X that allows you to update your Twitter status.
- TWITTERPOD - TwitterPod is a Twitter client with message store capability. The messages by your friends and by yourself will all be stored and displayed on an easy-to-navigate window.
- TWITTERRIFIC - Twitterrific is a fun application that lets you both read and publish posts or “tweets” to the Twitter community website. The application’s user interface is clean, concise and designed to take up a minimum of real estate on your Mac’s desktop.
Mac Tools
- APPSNAPP - With AppSnapp, it is a snap to enable third party applications on your iPhone or iPod Touch running the 1.1.1 firmware.
- CETWIT - ceTwit is a windows mobile twitter client written in c# leveraging the .net compact framework.
- GPS TWIT - GPS Twit is an application that you can run on your phone to make it easy for your friends to find you. The application is currently compatible with Twitter, however we plan to add support for other services such as Facebook, BrightKite, and more.
- HAHLO - Mobile Twitter the way it should be
- JITTER - Abiro Jitter (Java Twitter) is an easy-to-use and fully-featured Twitter client for mobile phones.
- POCKETTWEETS - PocketTweets is a Web-based Twitter client for the Apple iPhone.
- TINY TWITTER - Love twitter and love tweeting from your mobile device? But don’t want to get dinged for updates and double dinged for friend updates continually arriving via SMS? Tiny Twitter is just what you are looking for and it will work on ANY Java enabled devi
- TIPR - Tip calculator for Twitter. Check out how much you have to tip for a certain amount of money using your mobile phone.
- TWITROID - A client application for using twitter on your android mobile phone.
- TWITSAY - Give your Twitter account a voice! Get voice mail messages from your Twitter page.
- TWITTELATOR - Complete iPhone twitter client
- TWITTER MOBILE - The mobile version of Twitter
- TWOBILE - A new Twitter client for users of Windows Mobile Pocket PCs.
- TWONVERT - easily convert your tweets into SMS shorthand language and allows you to say more with less characters
Mobile Tools
- CHIRPCITY - Find tweeters and tweets in your city!
- CITYTWEETS - The CityTweets Network is made up of individual pages that track (near) real-time Twitter activity for individual cities, listing Tweets from and about that area.
- DOESFOLLOW - Find out who follows whom on Twitter
- GEOCHIRP - GeoChirp is a Twitter and Google maps mashup, that allows one to find Twitter users with similar interests in any particular geography around the world.
- MONITTER - Monitter is a twitter monitor that lets you “monitter” the twitter world for a set of 3 keywords and watch what people are saying.
- MR. TWEET - Mr. Tweet helps you easily build meaningful relationships on Twitter by looking through your network and tweets.
- TWEADER - Tweader is a new way to view twitter conversations. All you have to do now is enter the tweet’s ID and have it all done for you.
- TWEET SCAN - Tweet Scan is a real-time search engine for Twitter and
- TWEETBEEP - TweetBeep is like Google Alerts for Twitter! Put in a keyword or website, and get emails when others tweet it!
- TWEETIZEN - Tweetizen is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter the daily influx of tweets, and easily find the ones that are relevant to you.
- TWEETREE - Tweetree puts your Twitter stream in a tree so you can see the posts people are replying to in context. It also pulls in lots of external content like twitpic photos, youtube videos and more, so that you can see them right in your stream without having
- TWEETWHEEL - Find out which of your Twitter friends know each other!
- TWELLOW - Twitter search directory and search engine
- TWIBS - Directory of Businesses on Twitter
- TWIFFID - See what your Twitter friends are blogging about!
- TWITDIR - Search for Twitter users by name and location.
- TWITREE - a Twitter app that visualizes your friends in a recursive tree
- TWITSCOOP - Search Twitter, see what’s hot right now
- TWITTER SEARCH - See what’s happening right now on Twitter. Twitter Search helps you filter all the real-time information coursing through the service.
- TWITTER SEARCH BAR - This script will add a search form and list of hot topics as a banner on
- TWITTEREL - Insert a keyword (or more), find twitter users who tweeped this word, follow these twitters, make twitter more interesting for you
- TWITTERFRIENDS - Find out the hidden network of Twitter contacts that are really relevant for you.
- TWITTERTROLL - is the coolest real-time Twitter search engine!
- TWITTERWHO - This makes calls to Twitter’s people search form found at, but lets you enter multiple queries at once so you can find people more efficiently.
- TWUBBLE - Twubble can help expand your Twitter bubble—it searches your friend graph and picks out people who you may like to follow.
Search Twitter
- CITYTWEETS - The CityTweets Network is made up of individual pages that track (near) real-time Twitter activity for individual cities, listing Tweets from and about that area.
- CURSEBIRD - Cursebird is a real-time feed of people cursing on Twitter
- DOESFOLLOW - Find out who follows whom on Twitter
- HAPPY TWEETS - A measuring stick for how positive, or happy, a particular Tweep is.
- QWITTER - Qwitter e-mails you when someone stops following you on Twitter.
- TWADL - Send photos with Twitter & count how many people click your links!
- TWEADER - Tweader is a new way to view twitter conversations. All you have to do now is enter the tweet’s ID and have it all done for you.
- TWEETBURNER - Shorten and track the links your share on Twitter and Friendfeed
- TWEETMEME - Tweetmeme looks for new content and tracks who else is talking about it.
- TWEETRUSH - Tweetrush is a service based on our Rush Hour engine that aims to provide estimated stats on Twitter usage over a period of time.
- TWEETSTATS - Check out your twitter stats in colorful graphs
- TWEETWASTERS - Find out how much time you waste on Twitter!
- TWEETWHEEL - Find out which of your Twitter friends know each other!
- TWIST - See trends in Twitter
- TWITT(URL)Y - Twitt(url)y is a service for tracking what URLs people are talking about as they talk about them on Twitter.
- TWITTER CHARTS - View the number of tweets by a user according to time of day and day of the week.
- TWITTER SPY - You are spying on Twitter public timeline in real time.
- TWITTER TWERP SCAN - check the number of followers of everyone on your contact list, the number of people they are following, and the ratio between those. If the person is following more than (n) people (can be customised), and has a Following-to-Followers ratio higher than
- TWITTERCOUNTER - Add a daily updating TwitterCounter to your blog so everybody can see how popular you are.
- TWITTERLEAGUE - Have a group of users and want to see who has more followers? Well now you can with TwitterLeague. It’s really simple, just sign in with your existing Twitter username and create your league.
- TWITTERLESS - Keep track of your followers, be notified when someone stops following you
Statistics & Tracking
- @WHOISHOSTING - Just send an @reply to @WhoIsHosting followed by a domain. A couple of minutes later, you’ll get a DM back with the answer and a link for more information.
- ADDRESSINGYOU - AddressingYou is an entertainment bot which displays retweets of users who type messages in the form of “Dear XX, “
- MULTIMAP TWITTER BOT - helps you to access the same maps, directions and local information that you find on by simply sending direct messages via twitter.
- PLUSPLUSBOT - Did someone go out of their way to help you? Is a web site being particularly slow and flaky? Make your feelings known with plusplusbot.
- REMEMBER THE MILK FOR TWITTER - Get reminders in your twitter stream from Remember the Milk
- STRAWPOLL - Tiny polls in 140 characters or less… Go to StrawPoll and create a poll. Your Twitter contacts can participate in the poll by simply sending an @reply message.
- TIPR - Tip calculator for Twitter. Check out how much you have to tip for a certain amount of money using your mobile phone.
- TRACKTHIS - Follow TrackThis on Twitter and send this bot a Direct Message with your Airway Bill Number. You’ll be notified each time your package changes location. Works with FedEx, UPS, DHL and USPS.
- TRIVIA BOT - Random interesting facts on the hour (from @bck)
- TWANSLATE - Follow twanslate and send a direct message with the text you want to get translated along with the language code of the target language (en for English, fr from French, etc.).
- TWANSWERS - twAnswers is a brand new question-answer type community for twitter. it has a feature which tries to guess the answer based on keywords in the question using yahoo and wiki answers.
- TWEETMENEWS - TweetMeNews tweets you personalized, relevant news based on your interests.
- TWITTER TIPS BOT - Follow Twitter Tips on twitter for all sorts of Twitter tips and helpful information about Twitter
- TWITTERCAL - Free service that connects your Twitter account to your Google Calendar. Add events in a snap from your favorite Twitter client.
Twitter Bots
- DOESFOLLOW - Find out who follows whom on Twitter
- MY TWEEPLE - Manage Your Twitter Following and Followers
- QWITTER - Qwitter e-mails you when someone stops following you on Twitter.
- RETWEETRANK - Find any twitterer’s retweetrank!
- TWEETWASTERS - Find out how much time you waste on Twitter!
- TWEETWHEEL - Find out which of your Twitter friends know each other!
- TWINFLUENCE - twInfluence is a simple tool using the Twitter API to to measure the combined influence of a Twitterer and his/her followers, with a few social network statistics thrown in as bonus.
- TWITCRUSH - Declare a Twitcrush on someone, see who has declared one on you!
- TWITTER AVATAR COMBAT - You vote on avatars of people you are following. Only people that follow you may vote for you.
- TWITTER BACKGROUNDS GALLERY - Collection of featured Twitter background designs
- TWITTER GRADER - Measure your Twitter profile! The Twitter Grade measures the relative power of a Twitter user. It is calculated as a percentile score.
- TWITTERCOUNTER - Add a daily updating TwitterCounter to your blog so everybody can see how popular you are.
- TWITTERHOLIC - Find the top 100 Twitters
- TWITTERLEAGUE - Have a group of users and want to see who has more followers? Well now you can with TwitterLeague. It’s really simple, just sign in with your existing Twitter username and create your league.
- TWITTERLESS - Keep track of your followers, be notified when someone stops following you
- TWITTERPOSTER - A visual representation of the degree of influence of the Twitter users based on the Twitter API
- YOUR TWITTER KARMA - Find out your Twitter Karma
Twitter Fame
- 10 TWITTER HACK START UP IDEAS - 10 Twitter application ideas
- 50 IDEAS ON USING TWITTER FOR BUSINESS - 50 ideas for using Twitter for Business by Chris Brogan
- AUTOPILOT TWEET - Twitter Friend Adder, Promotion & Marketing. Full Twitter Automation Software For Twitter Marketing.
- CLICK TO TWEET - Clicktotweet is the best, easiest and simplest way to promote and advertise your blog, website, business and stuff on Twitter.
- GEEKS GUIDE TO PROMOTING YOURSELF WITH TWITTER - Guide to promoting yourself on Twitter
- GRINDSTOP -GRINDSTOP is a social music platform that allows Artists and Producers to easily promote and sell their digital and physical merchandise. GRINDSTOP Users can stream music and video for free, create custom Internet T.V.channels, Radio stations and playlis
- GROUPTWEET - A simple way to to broadcast quick messages and updates to everyone within your “group”
- HOW TWITTER CAN HELP AT WORK - Five ways to use Twitter in business by the New York Times
- LIVETWITTING - With you can easily twitter any event, conference, or meeting in real-time, and then reuse the coverage in a blog post, email, newsletter, etc. It’s easy, and it’s free!
- MR. TWEET - Mr. Tweet helps you easily build meaningful relationships on Twitter by looking through your network and tweets.
- QUOTEURL - helps you group different Twitter updates from different people into a single page that has a permanent URL. So you can put it on your blog or send interesting conversations to friends.
- TARGET MY TWEEPS - Get paid to exponentially target your tweeps on auto pilot with 15 categories and over 250 US cities…
- TWEETERNET - The easiest way to educate your site visitors and clients about Twitter.
- TWEETIZEN - Tweetizen is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter the daily influx of tweets, and easily find the ones that are relevant to you.
- TWIBS - Directory of Businesses on Twitter
- TWITTAD - TwittAd was formed to give Twitter users and advertisers the opportunity to meet for product placement & website promotion on a Twitter user profile.
- TWITTER HANDBOOK - Find out why Twitter has become so popular so quickly and what you can do about it, learning how you can use this tool to your advantage today.
- TWITTER JUMP START - The Twitter Guide for Small Non-Profits
- TWITTER THOUGHTS - Social Media Analysis and Discussion
- TWITTERFRIENDS - Find out the hidden network of Twitter contacts that are really relevant for you.
- TWITTERTISE - Twittertise allows you to advertise on Twitter and track the success of branded communications with your customers.
Twitter for Business
- 31 TWITTER GRAPHICS BY VINCENTABRY.COM - 31 different follow me Twitter graphics by
- CUTE TWITTER BACKGROUNDS - Cute Twitter Backgrounds offers twitter users free high quality backgrounds for twitter.
- DYNSIG - Dynsig is a free tool that lets you create your own Dynamic Signature. Among other functions it is possible to create signatures that always show your latest twitter-status.
- FREE ANIMATED TWITTER BUTTONS FROM SIAH DESIGN - Tons of animated/static Follow me Twitter Graphics
- FREE TWITTER BUTTONS FROM SIAH DESIGN - Follow me on Twitter graphics in four different designs, including an animated gif
- FREE TWITTER DESIGNER - Now you can personalize your Twitter background like never before. The tool below will help you create Twitter backgrounds that have the same look and feel as those done by professional graphic designers.
- FREETWEETS - Collection of downloadable Twitter backgrounds
- HIP AND TWENDY - Patterned backgrounds for your Twitter page.
- MAR TWEET TWEET CUTE TWEET: - Super cute layered vector file of a twitter bird icon
- TWEETBACKS - Free Twitter Backgrounds
- TWEETIES – TWITTER BIRD ICON SET - Free twitter bird icon set from Designer&Developer
- TWEETPAGES - A personality for your Twitter backgrounds… find free and premium Twitter backgrounds
- TWIIMG - Twiimg is a twitter to image generator and converter. Twiimg converts you tweets into an image that can be used in forum signatures, emails and on your websites.
- TWITTER BACKGROUNDS FROM LIMESHOT - Multi-colored Twitter backgrounds from
- TWITTER BADGES FROM LIMESHOT - Multi-colored follow me Twitter badges from
- TWITTER BIRD ICONS BY THE DESIGN SUPERHERO - Super cute Twitter bird icons in png and psd formats
- TWITTER BUTTONS - Your Source for Free Twitter Buttons
- TWITTER BUTTONS - Easily generate code for your twitter “follow me” button and enjoy your free hosted twitter buttons!
- TWITTER GALLERY - Follow me graphics and Twitter themes
- TWITTER MOSAIC - Make art from your Twitter followers or Twitter Friends
- TWITTER TREATS - Twitter wallpapers, icons, and more
- TWITTERLOGOS.COM - On users can easily find the free unique twitter bird logos, icons, and buttons they have been looking for in one single website now.
Twitter Graphics
- BIRDWATCHERS GROUP - Group birdwatchers on Twitter!
- CROWDSTATUS - Crowdstatus is made up of crowds, each crowd contains people and each person in the crowd has a status. This means that you can see what everyones current status is in a crowd.
- GROUPTWEET - A simple way to to broadcast quick messages and updates to everyone within your “group”
- POLITWITTER - PoliTwitter is a non-partisan service that uses Twitter to connect elected MPs and MLAs with their Canadian constituents with the goal of increasing engagement and promoting open government.
- TWEETIZEN - Tweetizen is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter the daily influx of tweets, and easily find the ones that are relevant to you.
- TWITTER GO GETTERS - For those who use Twitter to meet new people
- TWITTER MOMS - Moms who tweet: find, follow, lead, learn, love and share
- TWITTER4TEACHERS - The Twitter4Teachers Wiki – Are you looking for someone on Twitter that teaches in the same content area as you?
- TWITTERLEAGUE - Have a group of users and want to see who has more followers? Well now you can with TwitterLeague. It’s really simple, just sign in with your existing Twitter username and create your league.
- TWITTERPACKS - Twitter Packs is a place to get a starting idea of who on Twitter posts about what. Come in, look around, add your name where it makes sense, and help out.
Twitter Groups
- ALLTOP TWITTER NEWS - Top Twitter news
- ALLTOP TWITTERATI NEWS - All the top Twitterati news.
- TWIT LINKS - Latest Tech News from Twitter
- TWITTER FACTS - Facts and opinions on Twitter and the Twitosphere
- TWITTER NEWS CENTRAL - Your daily dollop of news, advice, comment and more, all about Twitter.
- TWITTER TIPS BOT - Follow Twitter Tips on twitter for all sorts of Twitter tips and helpful information about Twitter
- TWITTER TRIBUNE - Twitter news and happenings
Twitter News
- AUTOPILOT TWEET - Twitter Friend Adder, Promotion & Marketing. Full Twitter Automation Software For Twitter Marketing.
- CHIRPCITY - Find tweeters and tweets in your city!
- DYNSIG - Dynsig is a free tool that lets you create your own Dynamic Signature. Among other functions it is possible to create signatures that always show your latest twitter-status.
- FREE TWITTER DESIGNER - Now you can personalize your Twitter background like never before. The tool below will help you create Twitter backgrounds that have the same look and feel as those done by professional graphic designers.
- FUELFROG - Track your gas mileage by letting us know the distance you traveled on your last tank, the price you paid, and how much fuel you added to your car. FuelFrog will compile and trend information about your gas efficiency, the amount you spend, and more! In
- GEOCHIRP - GeoChirp is a Twitter and Google maps mashup, that allows one to find Twitter users with similar interests in any particular geography around the world.
- HAPPY TWEETS - A measuring stick for how positive, or happy, a particular Tweep is.
- MATT - Multiple account twitter tweeting. Matt makes it easy to post to multiple Twitter accounts without having to log into each one every time.
- MONITTER - Monitter is a twitter monitor that lets you “monitter” the twitter world for a set of 3 keywords and watch what people are saying.
- MR. TWEET - Mr. Tweet helps you easily build meaningful relationships on Twitter by looking through your network and tweets.
- MULTIMAP TWITTER BOT - helps you to access the same maps, directions and local information that you find on by simply sending direct messages via twitter.
- MY TWEEPLE - Manage Your Twitter Following and Followers
- PHWEET - A Phweet is a shortURL that makes it easy to conduct voice conversations and conference calls between Twitter friends.
- PLUSPLUSBOT - Did someone go out of their way to help you? Is a web site being particularly slow and flaky? Make your feelings known with plusplusbot.
- QUOTEURL - helps you group different Twitter updates from different people into a single page that has a permanent URL. So you can put it on your blog or send interesting conversations to friends.
- QWITTER - Qwitter is a social tool powered by Twitter that helps you quit smoking
- REMEMBER THE MILK FOR TWITTER - Get reminders in your twitter stream from Remember the Milk
- SNIPT.ORG - share code snippets on twitter… or anywhere!
- STRAWPOLL - Tiny polls in 140 characters or less… Go to StrawPoll and create a poll. Your Twitter contacts can participate in the poll by simply sending an @reply message.
- TIPR - Tip calculator for Twitter. Check out how much you have to tip for a certain amount of money using your mobile phone.
- TRACKTHIS - Follow TrackThis on Twitter and send this bot a Direct Message with your Airway Bill Number. You’ll be notified each time your package changes location. Works with FedEx, UPS, DHL and USPS.
- TWANSLATE - Follow twanslate and send a direct message with the text you want to get translated along with the language code of the target language (en for English, fr from French, etc.).
- TWANSWERS - twAnswers is a brand new question-answer type community for twitter. it has a feature which tries to guess the answer based on keywords in the question using yahoo and wiki answers.
- TWEADER - Tweader is a new way to view twitter conversations. All you have to do now is enter the tweet’s ID and have it all done for you.
- TWEEPLER - Tweepler Is an easy, more enjoyable way of processing your New Twitter Followers.
- TWEET GRID - Create a Twitter Search Dashboard that updates in real time.
- TWEETAHEAD - Use TweetAhead to auto-post a tweet at a specific time
- TWEETAKE - Back Up your Twitterings!
- TWEETBAR - Tweetbar puts your tweets into email, websites and forum signatures
- TWEETBEEP - TweetBeep is like Google Alerts for Twitter! Put in a keyword or website, and get emails when others tweet it!
- TWEETERIZED - We provide dynamic Twitter signature images that you can use on forums, websites, myspace profiles and more. The dynamic images display your profile image, last update as well as how long ago you did the update. We also have various backgrounds to choos
- TWEETIZEN - Tweetizen is a simple web-based tool designed to help you filter the daily influx of tweets, and easily find the ones that are relevant to you.
- TWEETLATER - Keep your Twitter stream ticking over with new tweets even when you’re not in front of your computer. Or, use it as your personal reminder system. PLUS… Send automated thank you notes to new followers, and automatically follow new followers, if you c
- TWEETMENEWS - TweetMeNews tweets you personalized, relevant news based on your interests.
- TWEETREE - Tweetree puts your Twitter stream in a tree so you can see the posts people are replying to in context. It also pulls in lots of external content like twitpic photos, youtube videos and more, so that you can see them right in your stream without having
- TWEETREMOTE - TweetRemote recognizes your tweets based on hashtags and creates files containing formatted XML based on the type of content contained in the tweet. These files can then be automatically aggregated into a blog or other dynamic website.
- TWEETUBE - Share your favorite videos quickly with short URLs. We let you track the visits and comments from the people that follow you on Twitter.
- TWEETWASTERS - Find out how much time you waste on Twitter!
- TWIFFID - See what your Twitter friends are blogging about!
- TWIIMG - Twiimg is a twitter to image generator and converter. Twiimg converts you tweets into an image that can be used in forum signatures, emails and on your websites.
- TWITALKS Follow peoples conversations on twitter.
- TWITCRUSH - Declare a Twitcrush on someone, see who has declared one on you!
- TWITKU 2 - a free social network mashup. See all of your social places in one space!
- TWITREE - a Twitter app that visualizes your friends in a recursive tree
- TWITSAY - Give your Twitter account a voice! Get voice mail messages from your Twitter page.
- TWITTAD - TwittAd was formed to give Twitter users and advertisers the opportunity to meet for product placement & website promotion on a Twitter user profile.
- TWITTANGLE - a free service that helps you untangle the mess of having too many friends on twitter
- TWITTER DIGEST - Twitter Digest lets you read Twitter updates in a more manageable fashion. Just pick the usernames you’d like to generate a digest for, and you will see all updates made by them during the past full day.
- TWITTER MOSAIC - Make art from your Twitter followers or Twitter Friends
- TWITTER SPY - You are spying on Twitter public timeline in real time.
- TWITTER100 - With Twitter100 you can see up to 100 of your followers at once!
- TWITTERBUDGIE - TwitterBudgie is a FREE Parallel Universe service that completely solves every possible Twitter limitation on earth and allows you to send more than 140 characters, transmit images, automatically translate War and Peace into less than 140 characters and
- TWITTERCAL - Free service that connects your Twitter account to your Google Calendar. Add events in a snap from your favorite Twitter client.
- TWITTERCOUNTER - Add a daily updating TwitterCounter to your blog so everybody can see how popular you are.
- TWITTEREL - Insert a keyword (or more), find twitter users who tweeped this word, follow these twitters, make twitter more interesting for you
- TWITTERFEED - Automatically post any rss feed to your Twitter account.
- TWITTERFRIENDS - Find out the hidden network of Twitter contacts that are really relevant for you.
- TWITTERLESS - Keep track of your followers, be notified when someone stops following you
- TWITTERSNOOZE - Hit the snooze button on your “verbose” Twitter friends.
- TWITTERSOAP - Twittersoap is a mashup of Mobypicture and Twitter.
- TWITTERTISE - Twittertise allows you to advertise on Twitter and track the success of branded communications with your customers.
- TWITTERVISION - A real-time geographic visualization of posts to Twitter.
- TWONVO - Threads your twitter conversations
- TWTASK - Create tasks directly from twitter
- TWUBBLE - Twubble can help expand your Twitter bubble—it searches your friend graph and picks out people who you may like to follow.
- UPSIDE DOWN WRITING - Have you ever wanted to freak people out with some crazy text? Now you can do exactly that by writing your text upside down with our flip text generator!
Twitter Services
- 10 TWITTER HACK START UP IDEAS - 10 Twitter application ideas
- 50 EASY WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR TWITTER EXPERIENCE - 50 Easy ways to Improve Your Twitter Experience from Web World Wide
- 50 IDEAS ON USING TWITTER FOR BUSINESS - 50 ideas for using Twitter for Business by Chris Brogan
- ALLTOP TWITTER NEWS - Top Twitter news
- BIG JUICY TWITTER GUIDE - An in-depth look at all things Twitter
- DRAGON BLOGGERS GUIDE ON HOW TO USE TWITTER - I have spent the last 72 hours becoming immersed in twitter on my free time and I believe this will be one of the most comprehensive posts on how to use and leverage twitter as not only a social networking tool, but a way to promote your blog and blog p
- EVERYTHINGTWITTER - Twitter blog featuring new twitter tools and latest news
- HOW TWITTER CAN HELP AT WORK - Five ways to use Twitter in business by the New York Times
- MICROBLINK - News and reviews for microblogging platforms
- NEWBIE’S GUIDE TO TWITTER - The basics to help you get started using Twitter
- OFFICIAL TWITTER SUPPORT - Ask a question, share an idea, or report a problem and get help from the Twitter community
- TECHLIFEBLOGGED TWITTER ARCHIVE - Twitter archives on TechLifeBlogged
- THE TWITTER FUND - If we all club together, we can make twitter better
- TWEETERNET - The easiest way to educate your site visitors and clients about Twitter.
- TWICTIONARY - A repository for all sorts of manglings of the English language as used on Twitter.
- TWITTER BLOG - the Official Twitter blog
- TWITTER CELEBRITIES - Blog dedicated to the real celebrities on twitter
- TWITTER FACTS - Facts and opinions on Twitter and the Twitosphere
- TWITTER FAN WIKI - We’ve set this up as a place to post cool ideas, uses and feature requests for Twitter.
- TWITTER HANDBOOK - Find out why Twitter has become so popular so quickly and what you can do about it, learning how you can use this tool to your advantage today.
- TWITTER JUMP START - The Twitter Guide for Small Non-Profits
- TWITTER NEWS CENTRAL - Your daily dollop of news, advice, comment and more, all about Twitter.
- TWITTER STARS - A blog about the greatest Twitter timeline in the history of the world
- TWITTERMAVEN - Blogging about everything that you ever wanted to know about Twitter.
- TWITTIN’ SECRETS - 100 World’s Greatest Twitter Tips & Twitter Secrets The Ultimate “Twitter How To” Guide
- TWITTOWN - The unofficial Twitter Community
- USING GTALK AND TWITTER TO UPDATE YOUR GOOGLE CALENDAR - How to use GTalk and Twitter to update your Google Calendar
Twitter Wikis & Blogs
- TWITTER TOOLS - This plugin creates an integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. Pull your tweets into your blog and create new tweets on blog posts and from within WordPress.
- TWITTERDOODLE - Twitterdoodle Twitter Wordpress plugin allows you to have automatic mashup posts created that are relevant to your site from the the daily chatter that goes on at Twitter and logged by the Twitter search engine.
- WORDTWIT - WordTwit is a Wordpress plugin that utilizes the Twitter API to automatically push a post to your Twitter account when it is first published. It allows all your Twitter contacts to keep up to date with your blog postings.
Wordpress Tools
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