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허핑턴 포스트의 배지에 대한 Q&A 본문


허핑턴 포스트의 배지에 대한 Q&A

DinoKim 2010. 11. 1. 17:40

출처 : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/p/frequently-asked-question.html#socialnews

Q: What's a "Networker"? How can I become one? 
A: If you're well above average when it comes to being connected with friends and followers, we'll award you with a Level 1 Networker Badge. If you're among the most-connected users in terms of friends and followers, and if you've connected your HuffPost account to your Facebook or Twitter account, we make you a Level 2 Networker, upgrade your Badge, and feature your comments in red. If you're like many users, you'll want to collect more fans and friends, so you can level up! And don't forget to connect your Facebook or Twitter account to your HuffPost account.

Q: What's a "Superuser"? How can I become one? 
A: If you've been busy commenting on HuffPost and sharing stories to Facebook and Twitter, we'll award you with a Level 1 Superuser Badge. If you're among the busiest, most engaged users when it comes to commenting and sharing, and if you've connected your HuffPost account to your Facebook or Twitter account, then we make you a Level 2 Networker, upgrade your Badge, and feature your comments in purple. If you're like many users, you'll want to comment and share even more, so you can level up! And don't forget to connect your Facebook or Twitter account to your HuffPost account.

Q: What's a "Moderator"? How can I become one?
A: If you've flagged at least 20 comments that we ended up deleting and have a high ratio of good flags to mistaken flags, we'll award you with a Level 1 Moderator Badge and enhance your flags so that they have five times more influence. If you've flagged at least 100 comments that we deleted and have a very high ratio of good flags to mistaken flags, we make you a Level 2 Moderator, upgrade your Badge, and trust you to delete inappropriate comments on the site. We will continue to trust you to delete inappropriate comments from the site as long as you handle the task responsibly. If you're like many users, you'll want to step up your flagging game and become one of our most trusted users.

테크 크런치의 관련 기사 : The Huffington Post Starts To Give Out Badges To Readers

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